The More You Know, the Better You Live and Look Can you believe it? I used to rely on TV health reports for choosing your beauty products? Food, body care, and drug companies sponsor those commercials. Let’s get informed about the toxins and untested chemicals that are being used in our beauty products. New World, …
Warning: Stress Makes You Toxic
Warning: Stress Makes You Toxic
How Stress Makes You Toxic? Did you know that stress makes you toxic? It seems like everyone has stress today. But did you know that it affects every cell and tissue in your body? Because stress robs you of important vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It breaks down your major organs and lowers your immune system. …
10 Astonishing Reasons Deep Breathing Makes You Healthier
10 Astonishing Reasons Deep Breathing Makes You Healthier
Deep Breathing I love how it feels to be calm and feel vibrant. Like you can conquer the world. But did you ever stop to think about how that feeling could be connected to something as simple as deep breathing? Do you know how important deep breathing is? This generous flow of oxygen into your …
10 Astonishing Reasons Deep Breathing Makes You HealthierRead More
How Toxins Affect Your Health!
How Toxins Affect Your Health!
How Toxins Affect Your Health! Since the mid 20th century, we have manufactured tens of thousands of toxins and they have been created and released into the environment without much thought about the consequences. Unfortunately, with so many toxins, thinking of your body as impenetrable fortress is very naive. Here are some things to consider …