We All Need A Good Night’s Sleep Sleep is one of the great mysteries of life. A good night’s sleep is one of the cornerstones of health. Six to eight hours per night seems to be the optimal amount of sleep for most adults. Too much or too little can have adverse effects on your …
Want A Good Nights Sleep? Try These Healthy Sleep Habits
Want A Good Nights Sleep? Try These Healthy Sleep Habits
Here are 10 Easy to Implement Healthy Sleep Habits We all know the perils of financial debt, but did you know that you can build up a debt of sleep also? Getting shortchanged occasionally on your sleep is no a serious problem, but when it happens night after night, you build up a backlog of …
Want A Good Nights Sleep? Try These Healthy Sleep HabitsRead More
10 Astonishing Reasons Deep Breathing Makes You Healthier
10 Astonishing Reasons Deep Breathing Makes You Healthier
Deep Breathing I love how it feels to be calm and feel vibrant. Like you can conquer the world. But did you ever stop to think about how that feeling could be connected to something as simple as deep breathing? Do you know how important deep breathing is? This generous flow of oxygen into your …
10 Astonishing Reasons Deep Breathing Makes You HealthierRead More
There’s a “Right” and a “Wrong” Way to Breathe
There’s a “Right” and a “Wrong” Way to Breathe
Do You Breathe Correctly? While it may seem you certainly know how to breathe, most of us actually breathe in such a way as to put our health in jeopardy. In fact, the whole field of breathing and breathwork has enormous potential for improvement. Breathing techniques promoted in yoga, Pilates, and meditative methods, tend to …